We Felicitate on holiday our friends, as well as all persisting amateurs animal! Good luck, happiness and health! While young generation on a holiday and prepares to output on "adult" rings,I have solved to expose in veteran scottish-terrier Efa's.And my girl beautifully cope!6,5 years she did not visit the exhibitions and after so long break immediately became LPP and has occupied the second place in BIS veteran,yielded first our "girlfriend" schnauzer ONEL AKBERY,which at their own not young years is found in splendid physical form. Julia and Roman, felicitate on new victory Khildy! Also want to congratulate the Azalea Kuprinu with the first output in light and excellent result her its bulldogs, with the next victory in contest pair and certainly with victory of the Luk's (OPERTUNITY'S LUCKY ZEAL of NORWAY) - BIS!!!
The Separate congratulations Viktoru ZHukovu with debut, yes else what,his pet Feli (SIBERIAN TAKSAGRAD OFELIYA).The Little one in significant competition became BIS baby -1!!!
Here is and ended the first exhibition season beside my girls Lucky (TOP TARGET ULTRA) and Flash (VICTORIOUS STAR ULTRAVIOLET).My beauties have splendid worked, and have placed in piggy bank their own first titles: Young Champion of Russia and Young Champion of the National Club!!! Also they have shown the not bad result in contest,come out winners and prizewinner different BIS. Thank you breeders: Natalie Sviridovoy and Inne Beliskoy! Separate thank you for support all friends! Congratulate All their own friends, owner our puppy, client, colleagues since NEW YEAR & CRISTMAS!!! !!! Want at new year of happiness, good luck, joys, health and new fulfilment to you and your expensive pets! Congratulate Yarik (ERMIL LUBIMETS BOGOV) and its owner: Gelena, Andrey and Lyudmila with became - Champion to Russia & Champion RKF!!! You super!Want the further success to you all! And once again congratulate Azalia Kuprina with new champion! Tot MAX (REALITY SHOW MESKAL' MAGNITKASTAR) at their own 10 months became Young Champion to Russia!!! !!!Herewith he three times from four became Best of Breed,into selections on contest,and came out winner BIG!!! The Further success and future adult championship! Congratulate Marina Cheremisina, Oleg and Nastia Rotanovy with first title their fosterling RICH (ROSKOSHNII RICHARD)- Young Champion to Russia!!! Richard became the first young champion of this breed in town!!!Herewith he is a repeated prizewinner BIG and winner BIS of Junior! Want good luck and further,and let Richard will become and the first adult champion chow-chow in Biysk! Congratulate daughter Panda's (DESTINY'S GIFT TRUE LOVE) with became the first title - Young Champion to Russia!!! Want whole best, the further victories and new title!The excellent girl! Congratulate Julia and Slavy Kadenyovyh with finished to Sonia (ZABAVA DUSHA MOYA) practically at one moment two titles - a Young Champion of Russia and Young Champion of Club!!! Sonia - an excellent exhibition soldier. Want to remain her such,and as before please us their own victory! The Enormous CONGRATULATIONS to Azalia Kuprina kennel "BELAYA MAGIA" with achievements its pugs! LUK (OPERTUNITY'S LUCKY ZEAL of NORWAY) to 16 months has finished the Young Champion to Russia, Young Champion of Club,GRANDCHAMPION!!!The most Splendid result! ALIA (BELAYA MAGIA ALMAZIA),being absent on dog show with class puppy, returned with triumph!Alechka has quickly finished GRANDCHAMPION,herewith twice having become BOB specialty and 1*BIS!!! DONIA (LAN GRIG DANIEL) also obtained the high result,having placed in its piggy bank titles Young Champion to Russia, Young Champion of Club, Champion to Russia!And she remained quite small step before GRANDCHAMPIONA.Shall Want her good luck in this matter! But else we over and over again come out winners contest pair! Congratulate Azalia Kuprina (the kennel "BELAYA MAGIA") with victory and finished the Young Champion of the Club beside Luk (OPERTUNITY'S LUCKY ZEAL of NORWAY) and Donia (LAN GRIG DANIEL), which has also got the title of the Young Champion to Russia!!! The Further success so fine dogs!!! OUR FRIENDS HAVE a PUPPY FROM UMKA'S (MANZANA DE ORO ZHOFFRAY DE PIERACK) DEUTSCHER SPITZ All details on page PUPPIES On household circumstance beside Yasika - ELISAR DARYASCHII RADOST was nearly two-year break in exhibition arrangementses,but this year he returned on rings and has finished the CHAMPION to RUSSIA! Congratulate Marie and Vladimira Koynovyh with this remarkable event! Congratulate Kadenyovyh Julia and Slavy with multiple victory in different BIS their darling Sonia (ZABAVA DUSHA MOYA)!!! The Splendid result for so young person! The Friends, you time to concern with the ledge for cup. But we with Sonia shall try and further please you its tandem on ring! Good luck us all! Felicitate on approaching holiday- New Year and Cristmas - all guests of our site, road owner our loved puppy, our friends, colleagues and client! Want in approaching year only good: excellent mood, wellfares, good luck, happiness and health to you and your pets! On March, 20th at us was born seven lovely children - AMERICAN COCKER - SPANIELS!!! All details in section PUPPIES To puppies on a photo only one day!
Parents of puppies
On May, 10th at us became on one Young Champion of Russia more! Our small Etel (EYO SVETLOST KAPRISULIA ETEL) in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk under O.Gorbachevskogo's examination becomes the Best Junior of breed and receives 4 JCAC! Yarik (ERMIL LUBIMETS BOGOV ) does not lag behind the brother, only after a week-20 of April too closes a title of the Young Champion of Russia!!! I congratulate Gelena, Ljusju and Alexander on the champion's title beginning! I thank for persistence on achievement the purposes! You-good fellows! The further victories! CONGRATULATE!!! On April, 12th Yasik (ELISAR DARYASCHII RADOST) has received the fourth JCAC and, thus, has closed the Young Champion of Russia!!! I congratulate Kojnovyh Maria and Vladimir on this remarkable event! Thanks that you are! I wish, that and further you were full of enthusiasm, and have reached the adult Champion of Russia! CONGRATULATE!!! 09.03.09 we participated in a regional show in Tomsk, where I showed zwergschnautzer EYO SVETLOST KAPRISULIA ETEL and deutscher spitz Umka (MANZANA DE ORO ZHOFFRAY DE PIERACK). The show was judged by Nickolay Sedykh; he was amusingly joking when talking to dogs: Does your Mom beat you? And doesn't feed you! She's so bad., thus completely shoking the handlers. Our little Etel got her next JCAC, was selected for possible placement in BIG, but bigger participants were placed: mastino, riesenschnautzer and gorgeous newfoundland, who won the group. Umka's debut in junior class was also good: he also won the group! With what I congratulate ourselves! The first open competition of Junior Handler took it's place in Omsk in the 27th of January.There were about twenty participants. The best in therie groupe were Ludmila Yarovaya with Yarick! Expert notes that Luda with her dog were like something indivisible glorious harmony! My sincere cogratulations!!! ongratulations to Kaynovie Maria and Vladimir with Yasik's wins!!! Our pretty boy came forward for the first time in junior class and has been prized in Best in Show Junior and in Best of Group!!! I wish them grand victories in the future and just keep do it well! Congratulations to Koynovie Maria and Vladimir with exelent Yasik's start! Well done! Congratulations to Nastya Bunkova! The first time being in dogs-show, she's got the second place of honour in "Junior Handler" competition.I wish more success to this young lady in future!What a pity she doesn't handling a Pancho!I'm sure in best result in that case!! In 23th of September we gathered at Regional Dogs Show in Barnaul. It was full-debut day, because our puppies have been there for the first time. First step in show was for Pancho also, in spite of his age-he was exhibited in open class. Even Darrik had a debut in junior class. Only ELLY showed out like experienced fighter! Unfortunately, these debuts had an effect to dogs owners in most extent. They couldn"t cope with exciting. That why expert punished them. It was Pancho, he"s got "exelent" only because of poor handling. Well, nice example to his owners! I congratulate a family Yarovih on successful delivery by Yarik's of examination in the initial Trainings!!! To our kid of only 6 months. |